PCOD Problem Symptoms in Hindi

PCOD Problem Symptoms in Hindi

WHO की एक रिपोर्ट  में सामने आया है कि प्रजनन आयु की 5% से 10% महिलाएं, 15 से 44 वर्ष के बीच, PCOD से प्रभावित हैं। PCOD एक उभरती हुई चिकित्सीय स्थिति है, जिसका मुख्य कारण जीवनशैली और आहार में बदलाव हैं। यह हार्मोनल असंतुलन की वजह से होते है जो अनियमित मासिक धर्म, वजन … Read more

What is the Uterus Lining and How Much Lining Thickness Is Needed for a Pregnancy? 

What is the Uterus Lining

The uterus lining has two parts. You can imagine two pages of any book and the space that is present between those two pages when the book is closed.  What is the Uterus Lining? Similarly, the uterus lining has two parts. One is the front part and one is the back part and in between … Read more

Chances of Getting Pregnant Naturally?

Chances of Getting Pregnant Naturally?

What are the chance of getting pregnant naturally? Very frequently asked questions by couples.  How High Are Your Chances of Natural Pregnancy? Understand the Facts Chances of natural pregnancy PER MONTH depend on the lady’s age and the duration the couple is trying for Pregnancy.  1) Upto 32 years, there is approximately a 7-8% chance … Read more

IVF Facts vs IVF Myth

Infertility Treatment in Indore

IVF Facts vs IVF Myth There are many myths associated with IVF. Let us bust few of them. IVF IS COSTLY: This is one of the commonest myths associated with IVF. IVF used to be very costly earlier, but as time has passed and with the advent of new technologies, IVF has become more and … Read more

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