Reliable Ovarian Reserve Testing in Indore

Are you having trouble getting your menstrual cycle or problems with conception? This may mostly be because of low ovarian reserve.

Undergoing an ovarian reserve test from Yaami Fertility & IVF Center will help you analyse your condition. Based on that, you can conduct your treatment further.

Types of Ovarian Reserve Test (ORT)

 Ovarian reserve is the number as well as quality of the remaining eggs in both ovaries at a given age.

Egg quality directly affects embryo development & the ‘take home baby ‘rate.

Ovarian Reserve Test ( ORT ) helps to determine the chances of natural conception as well as with treatment.

It is very important to identify women with low ovarian reserve so that they can take important decisions regarding their own fertility in a timely manner.

There are two types of ovarian reserve test, which helps to check the quantity of remaining eggs at a particular age through blood tests and ultrasound. Every woman is born with a finite number of eggs, called ovarian reserve.

As she attains the menstrual age, these eggs keep decreasing the reserve. If the quantity of eggs rises to an alarming level, it will reduce the chances of a healthy pregnancy. 

We will carefully check the hormonal levels in your body through the blood test for ovarian reserve test (FSH, AMH, LH and Estradiol).

Apart from the blood test, a vaginal ultrasonography will also be conducted. The test will help us get a closer look into the quantity of eggs.

Risk Factors for Decreased Ovarian Reserve

Fertility Specialist in Indore
  • Family history of early menopause
  • Ovarian surgery especially for endometrioma.
  • Surgical removal of part of ovary (for cystectomy) or removal of one whole ovary (Oophorectomy )
  • Cancer survivors after pelvic surgery , chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  • Smoking
  • Ovarian inflammation -endometriosis & pelvic infection etc.
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Poor response in previous IVF cycle
  • Known case of certain genetic conditions like Turner syndrome & mutation carriers like Fragile X /FMR1 /BRCA -1

Our professional doctors will then calculate the number of fertile years you have for conception. With your ovarian reserve test, you will not be getting any idea about the quality of eggs.

Cost of Ovarian Reserve Test (ORT) in Indore

The ovarian reserve test is often called the Mullerian Hormone (AMH) or Mullerian Inhibiting Hormone (IMH) test. The cost for this test will often range from lab to lab.

Through a single ovarian reserve test itself, the quantity of eggs present in your body will be determined. 

The average cost for ovarian reserve tests in India is around Rs 3000-5000. At Yaami Fertility & IVF Center, our main aim is to provide our patients with the most affordable treatment and fertility tests. Therefore, we will offer you a discounted rate on the AMH test as and when possible. If you plan to undergo an AMH test, you must show us your prescription. 

Since your AMH levels do not fluctuate heavily around different times of the month, you can opt for it even during your normal period cycle. It is important to note that women with lower AMH may have irregular, periodic or no cycles.

Testing and Treatment of Ovarian Reserve Test (ORT) in Indore

Ovarian reserves should be tested in following conditions:

  • Planning fertility preservation
  • Candidate for IVF
  • Planning to delay pregnancy for personal reasons

Observing your condition of failure of conception or irregular menstrual cycle, our doctors may recommend you undergo an AMH test. With the test, we will have a clear idea of the underlying condition and the further treatment line. 

The ovarian reserve test will include blood tests for determining hormonal levels like FSH, anti-mullerian hormone and Estradiol. Our doctors will also conduct a vaginal ultrasound to check the quantity of oocytes (eggs). 

For the ovarian reserve blood test, you will have to appear for the test early in the morning on an empty stomach. This provides a clear idea for the test. Through the blood test, the following three hormones will be detected:

  • Anti-mullerian hormone: This is a hormone that every antral follicle secretes. The AMH hormone helps to determine the residual ovarian reserve. 
  • Follicle-stimulating hormone: This hormone sends signals from the brain to the ovaries, thereby controlling egg production and follicle development. 
  • Estradiol: This is an important reproductive hormone, estrogen, produced by ovaries. 

Through the vaginal ultrasound, we will check the number of egg-releasing follicles. Based on this number, we can easily calculate the approximate egg count.

Ovarian reserve can be determined by:

  • USG for Antral Follicle Count (AFC scan) – Good for number of eggs.
  • Blood test for determination of Anti Mullerian Hormone ( AMH ) – Good for number of eggs & quality to some extent.
  • Blood test to assess function of ‘Hypothalamic -Pituitary -Ovarian axis’ – Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH,) Luteinising Hormone (LH) & Estradiol.

Caution while interpreting the result of ovarian reserve:

  • None of above test can predict the chance of pregnancy with 100 % accuracy.
  • Most important factor determining chance of conception is quality of oocyte which cannot be assessed precisely with any available test.
  • A woman with good ovarian reserve may face difficulty in having a healthy baby due to issues in sperm quality or implantation issues.
  • Woman with low AMH & AFC also can conceive with individualised treatment protocol.
  • Women with low ovarian reserve should consult a fertility specialist to discuss their treatment choices.

Based on your test results, our doctors will prescribe you further medicine or surgical treatment to boost fertility, whichever you deem fit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the best test for ovarian reserve?

The AMH or Anti-mullerian hormone test is the most reliable ovarian reserve test. It will briefly explain the number of eggs in the ovaries.

Who should do ovarian reserve testing?

If you are planning for fertility preservation, IVF or delaying your pregnancy, you should first do ovarian reserve testing. This will help you understand your fertile and conception window.

Is an AFC scan helpful?

Yes, determining the Antral follicle count or AFH scan can also help understand the number of eggs in the body.

When is the best time to do an AMH test?

There is absolutely no specific timing for performing the AMH test. Since the AMH levels do not change during your menstrual cycle, you can take this test at any time of the month. In some cases, it can also be taken when you’re on oral contraception.

Is the ovarian reserve test painful?

It depends on the method of the test. If you are taking the blood test, it won’t be very painful. However, if you opt for the vaginal ultrasound, it may not be painful but slightly uncomfortable.

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