Bed Rest After Embryo Transfer: Needed?

After Embryo Transfer ,Bed Rest is Needed?

You Should Not Walk Around, Not Go Out of The House, or Else Pregnancy Will Not Happen.

Rest or no rest after embryo transfer?

The embryo is a microscopic structure.

Gravity does not affect the embryo once it’s put into the uterus.

After being put inside the uterus, the embryo keeps moving for 1-3 days due to the wave-like motion of the uterus, and then either it attaches to the uterus lining or it stops growing and just disappears inside the uterus without causing any symptoms.

So, simple movements like walking, cooking food, climbing stairs slowly, working at the office, going shopping or movies CAN BE AND SHOULD BE DONE AFTER THE EMBRYO TRANSFER.

It does not cause any negative effects.

It only helps in increasing pregnancy chances by reducing stress since the woman is mentally relaxed. We all should remember that the woman undergoing embryo transfer is NOT HAVING A DISEASE. She just needs some additional medical help to get pregnant.

So, all the usual activities that one can do if they get pregnant naturally can also be done after IVF embryo transfer and pregnancy. I have regularly seen that women who are more happy and don’t take bed rest have higher chances of pregnancy compared to women who are sad, scared, and take bed rest because of fear.

Listen to your body and mind. If your body and mind want to rest, take it. If they don’t, then don’t take it. It’s not needed.

Things to be avoided after embryo transfer are – anything that increases tummy pressure like jumping, heavy weight lifting, riding on bumpy roads, sexual intercourse, sudden jerky movement to get up or lie down on the bed, sudden forceful bending down, etc.

Hope my advice can be just one of the major myths for couples undergoing IVF.

Read Also: Comprehensive Guide to Endometrial Thickness During Pregnancy [Expert Insights]

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