Can You Get Pregnant with PCOS? Yes, Here’s How

The only reason why a lady with PCOS is not able to get pregnant is because the egg does not grow at all with PCOS. 

She has tried all sorts of medicines including injections and still no success. 

So, she cannot become a mother due to PCOS.

Pregnancy in PCOS: Is It Possible?

PCOS is one of the easiest things to treat for having a pregnancy as per my experience. 

The main issue in PCOS is that the follicle does not grow and so egg does not come out in most women with PCOS. 

This can be easily corrected in the following manner:

1. Lifestyle Modifications:

A. if weight is on the higher side, then weight loss even by 5% is going to help immensely in helping the growth of follicles. 

The easiest way to know if your weight is higher or not is by subtracting your weight (in kg) from your height in centimeters. For example: if height is 155 cm and weight is 65, then 155-65= 90. 

This number should be more than 100. 

So for a woman with a height of 155 cm, the normal weight should be 55 kgs or less. 

B. Exercise: 30 minutes or more of any form of exercise increases the functioning of the insulin receptors in the body which helps in controlling weight as well as blood sugar

C. Diet Control: Reducing carbohydrates, increasing proteins and fibre intake helps in both weight loss and better function of Insulin receptors. 

D. Stress Reduction: the more stress your mind is, the lesser the chance of weight loss and follicular growth. 

2. Ovulation Tablets:

Letrozole is the best medicine for PCOS for follicular growth. There are different ways to give it and that decides how effective will it be in follicular growth. Talk to your doctor for more details. 

3. Ovulation Injections:

Also known as Gonadotropins. These are extremely effective IF GIVEN IN PROPER WAY. 

Many times women don’t respond to injections of our is not given in the individualised manner based on severity of PCOS, AMH level , weight, etc and so women think that the injection doesn’t work for them. 

I am yet to see a women with PCOS whose follicle have not grown with medicines.

Read More: Comprehensive Guide to Endometrial Thickness During Pregnancy [Expert Insights]

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