Difference Between IVF and Test Tube Baby – Yaami

Infertility is a very common and well-known issue amongst couples. Fortunately, due to advancements in medical science, different solutions can help couples achieve their dream of parenthood. The most popular methods are in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and test tube Babies

But are IVF and Test Tube Babies different? Or are these interchangeable terms used for the same treatment?

To clarify, IVF and Test Tube babies are the same. These are different terms for the same treatment.

If you want to become a parent, get a consultation with Yaami Fertility and IVF Centre, located in Indore, which is run by experts who have served in this industry for over 17 years. They have successfully fulfilled the dream of having a baby for many couples through IVF or test tube baby treatments. 

All About IVF vs Test Tube Baby

For all those who are planning for IVF or infertility treatments and are confused about whether IVF and test tube babies are different, this blog will help you with clarity about difference between ivf and test tube baby. Scroll down to learn more! 

Who Requires IVF or Test Tube Baby Treatments?

Couples with Unexplained Infertility:

Sometimes, couples can’t have a baby, and doctors can’t figure out why. When this happens, they might try a special method called IVF. IVF helps them have a baby even when they don’t know why it’s hard to get pregnant.

Tubal Factor Infertility:

In some cases, a woman’s tubes that connect her ovaries to her womb are blocked or damaged. This makes it tricky for the egg and sperm to meet. IVF is a way for these couples to have a baby without needing healthy tubes. Instead, the baby-making happens in a lab dish.

Male Factor Infertility:

Sometimes, the problem is with the man’s sperm. They might not move well, there might not be enough of them, or they might not look right. IVF with ICSI helps because it puts a single sperm directly into an egg, making it easier for them to make a baby.

Ovulatory Disorders:

Some women have issues with their periods and don’t release eggs like they should. IVF helps by giving them special medicines to grow eggs and then taking those eggs out of their body to mix with sperm in a lab.


Some women have a condition where tissue that’s supposed to be inside the womb grows in the wrong places. This can make it hard to get pregnant. IVF can work for them because it doesn’t rely on the usual way for the egg and sperm to meet. It’s done in a lab dish instead.

Same-Sex Couples and Single Parents:

IVF and Test Tube Baby treatments are great for couples with two moms or for people who want to be parents on their own. They can use special methods like donor eggs, donor sperm or even have someone else carry the baby for them.

Genetic Disorders:

Some couples have a chance of passing on health problems to their kids because of their genes. IVF, with something called preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), helps them choose healthy embryos to put in the womb, reducing the chances of passing on those problems.

Age-Related Infertility:

As women get older, it gets tougher to have a baby naturally. IVF can help older women who still want to become moms. It’s like a little boost to make having a baby easier, even as they get older.

Process of IVF and Test Tube Baby

Fertility tests and evaluations are very time-consuming and require a lot of patience.  The process of IVF and Test Tube Baby treatment is a little difficult, but with the help of experts at Yaami Fertility and IVF, this entire process can be handled with a lot of ease.  

Let’s break down this process step by step for a better understanding.  

Ovarian Stimulation-

 In this step, women are usually prescribed hormonal medications. These medications are prescribed to promote the development of multiple eggs. Ovarian stimulation, in simple terms, refers to a process in which, with the help of medicines, women can produce more eggs than usual.

Egg Retrieval – 

In this step, after a small procedure in which a thin needle is guided by ultrasound, these eggs are retrieved from a woman’s ovaries. There are no side or after-effects for this process, and individuals can get back to their daily chores after the process. It’s a painless procedure done under anaesthesia.

Sperm Collection- 

In this, male partners have to provide a sample of sperm for further examination and fertilisation. 

Embryo Formation/ Fertilization- 

In this step, the sperm sample and the egg are combined in a particular environment in the lab so that they can be fertilised properly. In simple terms, embryos are formed in labs through the sample extracted from the male partner and eggs extracted from the woman’s ovaries.

Embryo Transfer- 

It is a very important step in the IVF Procedure. Before embryo transfer, all the embryos are analysed properly based on quality and development. Once fertilisation is completed and the embryos are healthy, they are transferred into the woman’s uterus.

Testing for Result/Pregnancy test- 

After the implantation/embryo transfer in the uterus, after some days, a basic blood test is conducted to know if the entire process has been successful or not.

Difference Between IVF and Test Tube Baby

Difference Between IVF and Test Tube Baby - Yaami

Earlier, the process was quite famous amongst the general population as Test Tube Baby and generally accepted.  But with time and after a lot of awareness, people have been more thorough and started using the scientific name of the procedure. 

Technically, the procedure is known as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), and the non-medical term for the process is Test Tube Baby.  IVF is the term which is medically accepted around the world. 

Test tube baby is a specific part of the IVF Process in which fertilisation occurs outside the body in a lab.

Which One is the Best IVF and Test Tube Baby Centre

When you are down to fertility tests and IVF Treatments, it is extremely crucial to choose the best, as there is no room for any adjustments or compromises. With Yaami Fertility and IVF Centre, all the following factors are well taken care of –

  • Experience and Expertise
  • Success Ratio,
  • Location
  • Cost for the treatment
  • Patients Feedback/Testimonies
  • Most advanced Medical Facilities and Technology.
  • Individualised treatment protocols for specific problems in a couple

Yaami Fertility and IVF Centre is an Indore highly reputed and well-known fertility centre. IVF is a ray of hope for those who are dealing with the infertility issue. So, when choosing to get the treatment, choose the best. Talk to people who have been through the process, and choose Yaami Fertility Centre, which offers fertility evaluations for couples. Consult today and get the help you need!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is IVF the same as a test tube baby?

Yes, “test tube baby” is a colloquial term often used to describe babies conceived through IVF. IVF involves fertilising an egg with sperm outside the body in a laboratory dish, similar to the concept of a “test tube.” So, they are essentially the same.

Is there any difference between an IVF baby and a normal baby?

No, there is no difference between an IVF-conceived baby and a naturally conceived baby in terms of their health, development, or genetic makeup. IVF babies are as normal and healthy as babies conceived naturally.

Whose sperm is used in the test tube baby?

In IVF, the sperm used can come from the male partner of the couple (husband) or from a sperm donor, depending on the specific circumstances and preferences of the individuals or couples undergoing treatment.

Do IVF babies look like their parents?

Yes, IVF babies typically inherit their physical and genetic traits from their biological parents, just like naturally conceived babies. They can resemble their parents in terms of appearance and characteristics. The only exception to this could be when the gametes- Egg or Sperm is derived from the donor rather than the couple themselves.

What are the disadvantages of IVF?

IVF can have some drawbacks, including:
Cost: IVF can be expensive and may not always be covered by insurance.
Emotional stress: The process can be emotionally taxing due to its ups and downs.
Multiple pregnancies: IVF increases the risk of having twins, triplets, or more, which can lead to complications. A simple remedy to this could be transferring a single embryo.
Physical side effects: Some women may experience discomfort or side effects from fertility medications.Mostly, these effects are minor and temporary.

Is IVF better than normal?

IVF is not inherently better or worse than natural conception; it’s simply an alternative method for couples facing fertility challenges. It can be a highly effective solution for those who need it, but natural conception may work perfectly for others.

Which age is best for a test tube baby?

The ideal age for pursuing IVF or any fertility treatment depends on individual circumstances. Generally, couples should consider fertility treatments when they have difficulty conceiving naturally and after consulting with a fertility specialist. There isn’t a universally “best” age for IVF; it varies from person to person.

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