Become Pregnant After 40: Is It Possible?

Once a Lady Turns 40 Years Old, She Cannot Become Pregnant Even with IVF?

When a girl is born, her egg numbers are the maximum that she will ever have in her life. As the age goes up the egg number reduces every day, every week, every month, and every year.

Usually after 32 years of age, egg numbers are good.

At 40 years of age, egg numbers are at least four times lower than what they were at 32 years of age.

but still, as long as even a few eggs are there in the ovary, pregnancy can happen.

Each egg gives us a 5% chance of pregnancy.

So even when the lady is in her 40s, pregnancy is possible with IVF if eggs are still present in the ovary.

Every month I come across at least one lady who gets pregnant after 40 years of age through Embryo accumulation or embryo banking – which means taking eggs out in different months, making the Embryos, and freezing them till we get a sufficient amount of embryos.

So, any lady, even after 40 years of age can try for having a pregnancy through IVF and there is a possibility of success. Even though the egg numbers have gone down.

No doubt they will need more number of IVF attempts than what they would have required when they were less than 32 years old. But still, there is a ray of hope.

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