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Is It Good to Improve Egg Quality with Medicine?

Medicines for Improving Egg Quality – How Good is It?

In simple words, the egg quality means 2 things – first is the appearance of the eggs and the second is the DNA content of the eggs. 

Since we cannot see the egg on ultrasound because it’s a microscopic structure, the only way to check the appearance of the egg is when we take it out of the body during the IVF process and see it under the microscope. 

The egg quality is directly related to the age of the woman and the number of eggs. As the age increases, the egg numbers go down continuously. No medicine can stop this process since it is a natural aging phenomenon. Some women may have low egg numbers even at younger ages That is less than 30 years of age. 

Few medicines may help in improving egg quality. This includes antioxidants and vitamins. The major reason for poor egg quality is the presence of abnormal cells – inflammatory cells in the body. Any medicine that brings it down can help in improving egg quality. 

Simple medicines include folic acid, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E and advanced medicines include Coenzyme q 10, Leucine, Alpha Lipoic acid, etc. 

There is no perfect medicine for all. We need to decide based on various parameters what kind of medicine to use for a given patient. 

There are many kinds of abnormalities that can be seen in the egg and luckily, most of the abnormalities of the look of the egg are minor ones, which could be corrected with proper medication and injections.

There are a few major abnormalities as well which cannot be corrected by simple methods and we need advanced methods like growth factor injection into the ovaries to improve the egg quality.

The duration for which you should take medicines to improve egg quality is at least 2 months. 

Hope this helps.

Read Also: Difference Between IVF and Test Tube Baby – Yaami

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