IVF Center in Indore
  • Infertility affects nearly 25-30 % couple who are trying to conceive. 
  • Nearly 25-30 % of infertile couples have more than one factor reducing their chance of pregnancy.
  • In good prognosis cases 85% to 90% couple can conceive with simpler form of fertility treatment like ovulation induction, IUI & fertility enhancing surgeries.
  • But many time these couple go for IVF due to lack of information about fertility enhancing surgeries.
  • Suspected block in fallopian tube.
  • Endometriosis- to check extent of endometriosis & damage.
  • To assess lining & cavity of uterus in cases of repeated implantation failure , abortion or thin endometrium.
  • Myomectomy -removal of fibroid.
  • Adenomyomectomy – removal of adenomyoma of uterus
  • Tubal re anastomosis- to reconnect tube
  • Cannulation of fallopian tube – to open block in tube
  • Endometriosis- removal of spots & release of adhesions
  • Ovarian drilling ( puncture ) in women with PCOD
  • Management of ectopic pregnancy
  • Ovarian cystectomy
  • Removal of uterine septum
  • Removal of polyp.

Success after fertility enhancing surgery depends on many factors like the cause of infertility , age of woman, duration of infertility , sperm quality etc.

Hope this was helpful for basic understanding.

The aim of this discussion is to make anyone with curious mind to understand these condition better. It is not equivalent to detailed in person individualised consultation.

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