Endometrial Receptivity Array Test in Indore: Yaami

Endometrial Receptive Array

ERA, or Endometrial Receptive Array, is a specialised genetic test on a tiny portion of the woman’s uterine lining to determine the most appropriate day to transfer an embryo during an IVF cycle. It is a process of analysing the endometrial lining of a woman’s uterus to test the tissue and determine the genes expressed.  

Specialists often use ultrasound technology to evaluate the endometrial lining’s pattern and thickness when preparing for embryo implantation during the IVF cycle.

Some women may have decreased pregnancy success and implantation rates due to alterations in the window of implantation. Apart from the molecular level analysis of endometrial lining, this test also evaluates about 248 genes for further information concerning this implantation window.  

Endometrial Receptive Array testing results indicate the timing at which the uterus lining will be most receptive for implantation of the embryo. Then, the endometrium is categorised as pre-receptive, post-receptive, or receptive.

2 Types of ERA Test:

Endometrial Receptive Array or analysis depends on two concepts, including the following:

1. Transcriptomics

Since the DNA chain includes each cell’s genetic information, cells must translate them to RNA after reading the information to utilise it.

This RNA set reads represent Transcriptome whose in-depth evaluation will help determine the inactive or active genes in a specific tissue or cell at a particular time. The Endometrial Receptive Array or ERA test uses this transcriptomic technology.

2. MicroRNA Expression

Extremely tiny RNA molecules are microRNAs significantly implicated in implanting embryos and controlling gene expression. Studies indicate that miRNAs could be delivered into an extracellular environment while acting inside cells. 

Cost Of Endometrial Receptive Array Test in Indore

The cost of an Endometrial Receptive Array varies from 35,000 to 40,000 based on the clinic you use and the location.

Treatment/Testing For Endometrial Receptive Array in Indore

  • Endometrial biopsy for ERA test can be done in the natural ovulation cycle or after giving hormonal treatment.
  • After endometrial biopsy, the genetic material is extracted from the endometrial tissue.
  • The extracted genetic material (RNA ) is tested for 236 genes, typically expressed during the implantation window.

3 Findings Of Endometrial Receptive Array

The treatment cycles have three potential findings, including the following:

1. Receptive

It is very likely to implant an embryo when the results indicate the readiness of the lining to receive an embryo.

2. Pre-Receptive

Embryo implantation is less likely to happen when the lining lacks readiness for receiving an embryo.

3. Post-Receptive

Embryo implantation is not likely at this stage since the lining has yet to reach the ideal embryo implantation stage.

If the Endometrial Receptive Array results are post-receptive or pre-receptive, the specialists adjust the embryo transfer schedule to examine changes. However, more research is needed for this analysis, yet the specialists can determine the patients who can get aid from this technology.

Limitations Of Endometrial Receptive Array Or Test:

  • A regular ERA test (receptive) does not guarantee the delivery of a healthy baby.
  • Pregnancy may fail to start & continue if there is embryo abnormality.
  • ERA checks the receptivity of the endometrium during the physiological implantation window.
  • Similarly, ERA cannot tell us about the condition of the uterus to carry pregnancy till healthy delivery.
  • Although Endometrial Receptivity Array or analysis is safe for patients, some may experience little risk of bleeding, infection, and cramping during endometrial biopsy. 
  • Endometrial biopsy is repeated for the patients whose biopsy results failed to acquire the required quality or quantity for evaluation or the findings are indecisive.

Yaami Infertility and IVF Center For Endometrial Receptive Array:

Yaami Infertility And IVF Center makes Endometrial Receptive Array or analysis accessible for patients using advanced technologies.

We give personalised attention and care to each patient undergoing Endometrial Receptive Array or other treatments or processes.

When you are concerned about the results or risks and safety of the Endometrial Receptive Array, you may reach our specialists and clear all your doubts and myths.

They will discuss the analysis required and if the test would be safe for you to consider depending on the specific circumstances and medical history.

Frequently Asked Questions

ERA is an abbreviation for Endometrial Receptivity Array, Analysis, or diagnostic procedure.

Endometrial Receptive Array is a novel procedure involving molecular analysis or biopsy of a small uterus lining or endometrium sample. Since issues with endometrial lining are one of the causes of women being infertile, this analysis will help them determine the precise timing to implant the embryo.

Endometrial Receptivity Array test is done in couples with repeated implantation failure.

Endometrial Receptive Array biopsy predicts the best implantation window for patients.

Endometrial Receptive Array biopsy is helpful for women who have undergone failed implantation during IVF cycles, experienced recurrent pregnancy loss, or multiple miscarriages.

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